South Carolina Vacation
Magnolia Plantation
and Gardens
Audubon Swamp Garden
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Magnolia Plantation & Garden pages
Audubon Swamp Garden pages
John taking a picture of a spider
okay . . . so there ARE Alligators in South Carolina
Mary & a lot of bamboo
A pond with a big turtle basking in the sun
2 Stork statues stand in a duck weed covered pond
Small foot bridge goes to a flower covered island
Pretty garden setting
A Red-bellied Water Snake
A lot of water and many foot bridges to cross the water
John on a foot path next to a pond
Cypress trees growing in a pond with 'knees' showing
A Gray Squirrel with an acorn nut
A formal garden amoung all the informal ones
John in the formal garden
Unusual plant with large down-hanging trumpet like flowers
A small American Alligator just off the path
Close-up of the American Alligator
Horses grazing on the plantation
John climbing the steps of the plantation house